Grow your business by giving more than you take

Your team, customers, and partners don't follow companies that stand still. They choose visionaries who build real value. For people, planet, and business. Are you such a leader? Three questions that future-makers are answering now:
What do we solve in the world?
What do we contribute to humanity?
What do we give back to the earth?
The future of your company starts here
Your company sits on a goldmine of unseen value. Our Regrowth Model™ visualizes that potential through four activating principles with immediate applicability.
Regrowth Model™
Design model for net positive future value driven by purpose.
Rotterdam Ahoy is part of a complex ecosystem where sustainability is crucial. The u-inc model simplifies it to a core concept that resonates with everyone inside and outside Ahoy.
From net zero to net positive: four forces driving you forward
The world isn’t waiting. Nature, talent, government, and market demand action—pushing forward the businesses that get it right.
We're consuming the Earth as if we have 1.75 planets. Time to give back.
Two out of three employees choose employers with a clear vision of real impact.
New laws compel companies to operate sustainably. Leaders gain the advantage.
Consumers vote with their wallets. Sustainable choices are gaining solid ground.